Race Picks: Camping World Grand Prix at the Glen

(Originally published July 2, 2010)

Watkins Glen. The Glen. Glen Beck. Glen Gary Glenn Ross. I got nothin’.

There are two things I know about Watkins Glen: #1 – A friend of mine said there’s Black Widow spiders in the public restrooms. #2 – I’m not going. Note that #2 has nothing to do with #1, although I’d like to offer some advice to my NY-bound friends: Pee quickly and carry a big stick.

Let’s talk about something else cuz I’m bitter that I’m not going. Maybe bitter is too strong a word. I’m on suicide watch. Shall we chat chassis?

Has everyone requested off work on July 14? Have you laid out your design sheets neatly for side-by-side comparison? Have you concluded that the Delta Wang is the most ridiculous POS you’ve ever laid eyes on? Maybe it’s just me. But don’t rule it out… it’s all about the “concept.” Riiiight. And when it comes to tracks, it’s all about the “facility.”

Maybe we should change the subject. I try not to talk non-racing biznass around these parts but I just want to say thanks to all several of the race gIRL readers. It’s officially been a year since the site was created. I’ve had an absolute blast doing it. (That’s what she said). Your comments and feedback are always appreciated and you guys make it fun. So thanks. Tear. I said I wouldn’t cry.

So, helluva race in Iowa, hey? Told ya. Take heed, oval-haters – you will be converted. Embrace the left turns and super-speeds. Alright, alright, I’m over it. I realize we’re heading into road course month and I gotta say – I don’t hate the twisties as much as I used to. Calm down there, chief. Don’t read too much into it. I’m just beginning to appreciate the balance of variety. Of lefts and rights. Of walls and chicanes. Of concrete and nature. Spoken like a true tree-hugger. Moving on.

First pick. If you think I’d go with anyone other than Justin Wilson, you’ve hopped on the train to Wrongsville. Come on back. J-DUB is the reigning champ and after the Iowa debacle, I’d love to see him defend his title.

Initially, I was leaning toward Briscoe for my second pick, but after much deliberation, I’m taking Slick Willy P. You just can’t go wrong with Power this season, so it’s a safe pick but hey, a darn good one.

Finally, I’m going with Sato as my 穴馬 – that’s “dark horse” for all of my Japanese-challenged friends. His F1 experience would indicate a better success on the road courses, and I like what I saw from him in Iowa, minus that pesky wall-stuffing part.

Let’s recap. You know what? Let’s not. Now, I’m not one for drunk tweeting… hahaha. I almost got through that with a straight face. But this weekend when I’m missing the Glen and crying into my Bacardi… watch out now. Between the tears, the fireworks and the liquor, we’ve got ourselves a paaaaartay. Join me, won’t you? Then on July 14, we can look back and say, “Remember that time, ten days ago, when we were all scared that the ICONIC Committee wouldn’t pick Swift?” Then we’ll raise our glasses and chuckle one more time at the notion that people actually thought the DW could even be considered an open-wheel car. Good times it will be. Happy 4th of July. And God Bless America.